# Copyright (c) HySoP 2011-2024
# This file is part of HySoP software.
# See "https://particle_methods.gricad-pages.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/hysop-doc/"
# for further info.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# limitations under the License.
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from hysop.tools.htypes import check_instance
from hysop.topology.topology import Topology, TopologyView
from hysop.mesh.mesh import Mesh
class TopologyDescriptor(metaclass=ABCMeta):
Describes how a topology should be built.
Multiple compatible topology descriptors are gathered during
operator graph building and are replaced by a single unique
topology upon initialization.
__slots__ = ("_mpi_params", "_domain", "_backend", "_extra_kwds")
def __init__(self, mpi_params, domain, backend, **kwds):
Initialize a TopologyDescriptor.
kwds allows for backend specific variables.
CartesianTopologyDescriptor is immutable.
self._mpi_params = mpi_params
self._domain = domain
self._backend = backend
self._extra_kwds = frozenset(kwds.items())
if ("cl_env" in kwds) and (kwds["cl_env"] is not None):
assert kwds["cl_env"].mpi_params is mpi_params
def _get_mpi_params(self):
"""Get mpi parameters."""
return self._mpi_params
def _get_domain(self):
"""Get domain."""
return self._domain
def _get_backend(self):
"""Get backend."""
return self._backend
def _get_dim(self):
"""Get domain dimension."""
return self.domain.dim
def _get_extra_kwds(self):
"""Get extra keyword arguments."""
return dict(self._extra_kwds)
mpi_params = property(_get_mpi_params)
domain = property(_get_domain)
backend = property(_get_backend)
extra_kwds = property(_get_extra_kwds)
dim = property(_get_dim)
def build_descriptor(backend, operator, field, handle, **kwds):
Generate a descriptor from a lower level representation.
If handle is already a Topology or a TopologyDescriptor it
is returned unchanged.
If handle is a CartesianTopologyDescriptors (ie. currently a Discretization),
a CartesianTopologyDescriptor is created and returned.
Every new topology type should be registered here.
from hysop.topology.cartesian_descriptor import (
if isinstance(handle, Topology):
# handle is already a Topology, so we return it.
return handle
elif isinstance(handle, TopologyView):
return handle._topology
elif isinstance(handle, TopologyDescriptor):
# handle is already a TopologyDescriptor, so we return it.
return handle
elif isinstance(handle, CartesianTopologyDescriptors):
return CartesianTopologyDescriptor.build_descriptor(
backend, operator, field, handle, **kwds
elif handle is None:
# this topology will be determined later
return None
msg = "Unknown handle of class {} to build a TopologyDescriptor."
msg = msg.format(handle.__class__)
raise TypeError(msg)
def choose_or_create_topology(self, known_topologies, **kwds):
Returns a topology that is either taken from known_topologies, a set
of user specified topologies which are ensured to be compatible
with the current TopologyDescriptor, or created from the descriptor
if choose_topology() returns None.
check_instance(known_topologies, set, values=Topology)
topo = self.choose_topology(known_topologies, **kwds)
if topo is None:
topo = self.create_topology(**kwds)
return topo
def choose_topology(self, known_topologies, **kwds):
Find optimal topology parameters from known_topologies.
If None is returned, create_topology will be called instead.
def create_topology(self, **kwds):
Build a topology with the current TopologyDescriptor.
def match(self, other, invert=False):
"""Test if this descriptor is equivalent to the other one."""
if not isinstance(other, TopologyDescriptor):
return NotImplemented
eq = self.domain is other.domain
eq &= self.mpi_params == other.mpi_params
eq &= self.backend == other.backend
eq &= self.extra_kwds == other.extra_kwds
if invert:
return not eq
return eq
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.match(other)
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.match(other, invert=True)
def __hash__(self):
h = id(self.domain)
h ^= hash(self.mpi_params)
h ^= hash(self.backend)
h ^= hash(self._extra_kwds)
return h
def __str__(self):
TopologyDescriptors = (Topology, TopologyDescriptor, type(None))
Instance of those types can be used to create a TopologyDescriptor.
Thus they can be passed in the variables of each operator.